Updates: Soundtrack, Air Dates, Videos, and More!

We hope you’ve been enjoying the first two episodes of The Pacific on HBO. If you’re in a different country, chances are you local station will be carrying it shortly. View our FAQ page to see when it will be playing in your area. Don’t forget to discuss the episodes in our friendly forum. Lots of cool folks hang in there! (Hint: We also often give away free Pacific prizes for those that participate in our forum!)

Like the theme music to Pacific? You can now download that music and any other track for only 99 cents by going to Amazon and purchasing individual tracks on their website. Go to for more information.

So, how is Pacific doing thus far with the critics? Maybe this video clip will give you an idea…

Critics Spot

Some new videos have been posted by HBO for you.Here’s a short preview of what you can expect to see in Episode 3 that airs this coming Sunday on HBO:

Episodic #3

For more, go to their website here.

Lastly, it takes time and resources to make this website happen. It would not be possible without generous sponsors that help keep this site alive. Be sure to visit their sites by clicking their ads on our sidebar ———>
If you buy a product from them, be sure to tell them you saw it on pacificfans.com !

Posted Wednesday, March 24th, 2010 at 11:11am
Filed under Production, Site Updates | RSS

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